API 36 [ Withdrawn ]Determining Productivity Indices - WITHDRAWN - No Replacementstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1958
API RP 27 [ Withdrawn ]Recommended Practice for Determining the Permeability of Porous Media - WITHDRAWN - No Replacementstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/1956
API 620-1956 [ Withdrawn ]Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks - 1956 Edition - WITHDRAWNstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1956
API 1515 [ Withdrawn ]Training of Motor Vehicle Drivers - WITHDRAWN - No S/S Documentstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/1955
API RP 1650Set of Six API Recommended Practices on Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Managementstandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 1663BUnderground Storage Tank Installation Training Modulestandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 1663CUnderground Storage Tank Installation Workbook/Exhibit Book Set ONLY - To accompany API 1663Bstandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 3802Audit Control Guidestandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 3800AVNET-Electronic Document Formats for Aviation Fuel Salesstandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 3815COS-Crude Oil Settlementsstandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 3822JIBE - Joint Interest Billing Exchangestandard by American Petroleum Institute,
API Publ 3860WODEX-Well Operating Data Exchangestandard by American Petroleum Institute,