BS 593:1954. Specification for laboratory thermometers
BS 2499:1954. Tests to asses the properties of hot applied joint sealing compounds for concrete pavements.
BS 115:1954. Metallic resistance materials for electrical purposes
BS 2091:1954. Canister respirators ('gas masks') and dust respirators ('dust masks')
BS 1428-C1:1954. Alkoxyl and alkylimino group apparatus for the determination of organic groups
BS 701:1953. Specification for brewers' mash flask
BS 2049-1:1953. Kerosine (paraffin) appliances for domestic use. Burners, portable space heaters cooking and boiling applainces
BS 1262:1953. Specification for tins for liquid paints and varnishes and other liquid products of the paint industry
BS SP 49 and BS SP 50:1953+A1:2012. Specifications for Ball ends for swaging on cable. For aircraft (Suitable for 5 cwt. cable)
BS SP 51 and 52:1953+A3:2012. Specifications for identification tags for swaged cable-end assemblies. For aircraft