IEEE 99-2019IEEE Recommended Practice for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Electrical Equipmentstandard by IEEE, 07/17/2020
IEEE C62.41.3-2020IEEE Guide for Interactions between Power System Disturbances and Surge Protective Devicesstandard by IEEE, 07/10/2020
IEEE 802.3ca-2020IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s Passive Optical NetworksAmendment by IEEE, 07/03/2020
IEEE White PaperIEEE IC Big Data Governance and Metadata Management: Standards Roadmapstandard by IEEE, 07/03/2020
IEEE C37.21a-2020IEEE Standard for Control Switchboards--Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All WiringAmendment by IEEE, 07/01/2020
IEEE 2746-2020IEEE Guide for Evaluating AC Interference on Linear Facilities Co-Located Near Transmission Linesstandard by IEEE, 07/08/2020
IEEE 1277-2020IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Code for Dry-Type and Oil-Immersed Smoothing Reactors and for Dry-Type Converter Reactors for DC Power Transmissionstandard by IEEE, 06/26/2020
IEEE C57.32a-2020IEEE Standard for Requirements, Terminology, and Test Procedure for Neutral Grounding Devices--Amendment 1: Neutral Grounding Resistors Clause (AM)Amendment by IEEE, 06/29/2020
IEEE 802.3ch-2020IEEE Standard for Ethernet--Amendment 8:Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 2.5 Gb/s, 5 Gb/s, and 10 Gb/s Automotive Electrical EthernetAmendment by IEEE, 06/30/2020
IEEE 2420-2019IEEE Standard Criteria for Combustion Turbine-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stationsstandard by IEEE, 06/18/2020
IEEE 802.1AS-2020IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applicationsstandard by IEEE, 06/19/2020
IEEE 802.1AX-2020IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--Link Aggregationstandard by IEEE, 05/29/2020