AWWA B505-18Disodium Phosphate, Anhydrousstandard by American Water Works Association, 10/01/2018
AWWA B300-18Hypochloritesstandard by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2018
AWWA C519-18High-Performance Waterworks Butterfly Valves - 3 In. (75 mm) Through 60 In. (1,500 mm)standard by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2018
AWWA C507-18Ball Valves, 6 In. Through 48 In. (150 mm Through 1,500 mm)standard by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2018
AWWA G400-18Utility Management Systemstandard by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2018
AWWA E200-18Progressive Cavity Chemical Metering Pumpsstandard by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2018
AWWA B701-18Sodium Fluoridestandard by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2018
AWWA B504-18Monosodium Phosphate, Anhydrous and Liquidstandard by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2018
AWWA F120-18Ozone Systems for Waterstandard by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2018
AWWA B702-18Sodium Fluorosilicatestandard by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2018
AWWA C221-18Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type Expansion Jointsstandard by American Water Works Association, 07/01/2018
AWWA G485-18Direct Potable Reuse Program Operation and Managementstandard by American Water Works Association, 06/01/2018