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AWWA CSC59676 Commercial Landscape Surveys - A New Standard of Excellence

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 04/07/2004

Carney, Daniel R.

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The City of San Diego Water Department's Commercial Landscape SurveyProgram combines proven conservation techniques with new computer softwareprograms. In addition to a thorough analysis of their irrigation system, customersalso receive detailed site maps and specific recommendations for repairs andequipment upgrades. Water savings of 20 percent or more are often realizedthrough modified management practices alone. To assure that watermanagement objectives are achieved, the City monitors customer water-use witha custom designed landscape database and budgeting program called the WaterResources Landscape Database (WRLD). WRLD combines GeographicInformation System analysis tools with water meter readings, historical weatherdata, and aerial photographs to provide recommended landscape water budgetsfor the upcoming year. WRLD also produces a color map of each site, withmeasurements of the landscaped areas, divided into plant hydrozones and typesof irrigation systems. The measurements are then entered into a mathematicalformula that calculates the budget, reported in billing units of 748 gallons. Thesebudgets are mailed to customers and printed on future water bills. With thisinformation, customers can compare actual water use to budgeted amounts.Another tool, the web-based Landscape Watering Calculator, is used to calculatesprinkler schedules, measured in minutes per week for each month of the year.This schedule can then be posted inside the irrigation controller as aprogramming guide. The combination of on-site surveys, detailed reports andrecommendations, landscape area measurements, water budget bill reminders,and watering schedules make it easier than ever for customers to maintain ahealthy, attractive landscape by using the right amount of water. Includes figures.