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SAE J3152_202005


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SAE J3152_202005 Taxonomy and Guidelines for Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Brake NVH Fixtures for Inertia Dynamometer Testing

standard by SAE International, 05/22/2020

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This IR defines a general taxonomy (classification) of the most common fixture designs. This IR provides guidelines for design, fabrication, and installation to improve the way tests repeat, reproduce, and correlate to vehicle conditions. The different types of fixtures in this IR (including their preloading) apply to single-ended brake inertia dynamometer NVH testing, with a frequency range between 1.25 kHz and 16 kHz (per SAE J2521). This IR applies to passenger car and light trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4536 kg or below. This IR does not address other sources of variability such as (a) test procedure itself, (b) environmental conditions, (c) dynamometer design, including its NVH test chamber, (d) data collection and data analysis methods, and (e) part-to-part, batch-to-batch, and design-level variation for brake and suspension hardware.