WRC 031Stainless Steel for Pressure VesselsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956A. Grodner
WRC 030Oxidation-Resistant Brazing AlloysBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956G.H. Sistare, Jr., A.S. McDonald
WRC 029Development of Brazing Alloys for Joining Heat Resistant AlloysBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956F.M. Miller, H.S. Gonser, R.L. Peaslee
WRC 028Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for Pressure VesselsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956M. Holt
WRC 027Part 1: Mechanical Properties and Weldability of Six High-Strength SteelsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956R.D. Stout, J.H. Gross
WRC 026Investigation of the Influence of Deoxidation and Chemical Composition on Notched-Bar Properties Of Ship Plate SteelsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956F. W. Boulger, R. H. Frazier, C. H. Lorig
WRC 025Bibliography on the Welding of Stainless Steels, 1926-1955 with Author IndexBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1956K. Janis
WRC 020Part 1: High-Strength Low Alloy SteelsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1955C. M. Parker
WRC 022Welded Tee ConnectionsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1955A.G. Barklow, R.A. Huseby
WRC 021Coating Moisture Investigations of Austenitic Electrodes of the Modified 18-8 TypeBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1955K. P. Johannes, D. C. Smith, W. G. Rinehart
WRC 017A Critical Survey of Brittle Failure in Carbon Plate Steel Structures Other Than ShipsBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1954M. E. Shank
WRC 019Review of Welded Ship FailuresBulletin / Circular by Welding Research Council, Inc., 1954H. G. Acker