API MPMS Chapter 11.1-Volume IVVolume Correction Factors - Volume IV - Table 23A: Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Observed Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60 deg F. Table 24A: Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Volume to 60 deg F Against Relative Density 60/60 degFHandbook / Manual /...
API MPMS Chapter 11.1-Volume VVolume Correction Factors - Volume V - Table 23B: Generalized Products, Correction of Observed Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60 deg F. Table 24B: Generalized Products, Correction of Volume to 60 deg F Against Relative Density 60/60 deg FHandbook / Manual / Guide...
API 4327 [ Withdrawn ]Technical Evalution of the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Petroleum Refining Point Source Category - WITHDRAWN - NO REPLACEMENTstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 06/01/1980
API Job Code Part 1 [ Withdrawn ]Job Code Classification System - Part 1: Petroleum Refineries and Selected Petrochemical Operationsstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 12/26/1979
API 2209 [ Withdrawn ]Pipe Plugging Practicestandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1978
API 14BM [ Withdrawn ]User's Manual for API 14B Subsurface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve Sizing computer Program-Historical Publicationstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1978
API 2E [ Withdrawn ]Drilling Rig Packaging for Minimum Self-Contained - WITHDRAWN - NO S/S DOCUMENTstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/1977
API 2J [ Withdrawn ]Comparison of Marine Drilling Riser Analyses - WITHDRAWN - NO S/S Documentstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1977
API RP 15L4 [ Withdrawn ]Recommended Practice for Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe (RTRP) - WITHDRAWN - NO Replacementstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/1976
API 15A4 [ Withdrawn ]Care & Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin - WITHDRAWN - No Replacementstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/1976
API 4D [ Withdrawn ]Portable Masts- WITHDRAWN - No Replacementstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 01/01/1976
API 1588 [ Withdrawn ]Energy from Used Lubricating Oils - WITHDRAWN - NO S/Sstandard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/1975